Environmental Programfav

We at Hotel „Savaneti” are committed to the prevention of pollution and help the preservation of our natural environment.
We recognize our responsibility to the environment and are committed to contributing towards a sustainable future by preserving vital natural resources and reducing our carbon footprint through an ever increasing range of green-friendly initiatives.

  • Waste and energy reduction initiatives
  • Water conservation programs
  • Efficient heating and electricity systems
  • Staff training and education in environmental and sustainability practices
  • Recycling programs - including glass, plastics and paper
  • Preference given to environmentally responsible vendors
  • Green-friendly waste disposal programs, housekeeping practices and laundry options

You can help us GO-green by:

  • Leaving any towels you wish to be washed and changed on the floor. If you would like to reuse your towel, please hang it.
  • Informing Reception if you do not wish to have your linens changed during your stay. For added assurance, please hang your “Do Not Disturb” sign on the outside of your door.
  • Turning off any lights not in use while you are in the room and removing your key card when you leave the room.
  • Using proper containers to hold waste. Please do not throw anything from the window, balconies or terraces.

Did you know that choosing not to have your room serviced:

  • saves approximately 20 liters of water just in cleaning your bathroom;
  • saves approximately 15 liters of water by simply not having your towels and linen changed during your stay;
  • reduces the use of chemicals such as toilet cleaner, multipurpose cleaner and air freshener used to clean your bathroom;
  • saves power used to operate vacuum cleaners, lights and heating whilst servicing your room.

Thank you for helping us be a more environmentally friendly hotel!